Our aim is to make ultrasound limitless.
Making medical imaging simple, portable, and affordable to improve healthcare outcomes for all.
Cutting-edge ultrasound technology designed for reliability, precision, and ease of use in any setting.
Breaking down barriers in healthcare by empowering providers in underserved areas with quality imaging tools.
With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we’ve reached groundbreaking milestones that inspire us to continually redefine what's possible.
Real experiences from those who trust Vave Health.
The future of ultrasound, combining the best ergonomics, ease of use, and image quality.
University of Arizona
Vave’s platform is a game changer for our medical School, streamlining the integration of advanced ultrasound technology into our curriculum.
Touro University Nevada
Advantage over the main competitor is the absence of a subscription and annual cost, making it more accessible.
University of Arizona
Discover the leaders driving our commitment to excellence. Learn more about the people behind our mission.